You can find out more and change our default settings with Cookies Settings. The Salem Village hangings were the last executions of accused witches in the United States. Its good to see that the court system has progressed. Nineteen were hanged, and oneelderly Giles Coreypressed to death. Best Books About the Salem Witch Trials - History Of Massachusetts Blog By the end of May, more than 60 people were in custody; the vast majority were women, but a handful of men were also detained. Shortly after, Elizabeth Hubbard, Susannah Sheldon, Mary Warren and Elizabeth Booth all started to experience the same symptoms, which consisted of suffering fits, hiding under furniture, contorting in pain and experiencing fever. We know not whether some remarkable affronts given to the Devils by our disbelieving those testimonies whose whole force and strength is from them alone, may not put a period unto the progress of the dreadful calamity begun upon us, in the accusations of so many persons, whereof some, we hope, are yet clear from the great transgression laid unto their charge. Thanks so much! Thanks! They took place in a number of cities in Massachusetts Bay Colony in the years 1692 and 1693, but primarily in the town of Salem. Even when the court ordered further executions, Phips wisely issued pardons to those convicted. These spirits could inhabit any human or any creature. One other man, Giles Corey, was pressed to death after refusing to enter a plea, and at least five people . Brooks, Rebecca Beatrice. Brief History Of The Salem Witch Trials, article by PaulGamerBoy360 Thank you so much, this was also, by far, the best site ive come across for salem trials. Thank you so much for this! I find the Salem Witch trails to be the most interesting event in the colonization of whats now US. Dr. John Lienhard of the University of Houston writes in Rye, Ergot and Witches about Mary Matossians 1982 study which supports Caporaels findings. Corey was accused of witchcraft in April during his wifes examination. No way to fight its power. Corbis/VCG via Getty Images / Getty Images. As years passed, apologies were offered and restitution was made to the victims families. Im trying to get my family to visit there- Id even give up my beach trip for it! This was the name that was given to the evil spirits that were supposedly floating around the witches while they practiced their dark arts. They screamed, made unearthly sounds, suffered convulsions and violently threw objects, and themselves, around their homes. The new court was presided over by William Stoughton, Thomas Danforth, John Richards, Waitstill Winthrop and Samuel Sewall. I lasted edited this page on October 18, 2015. How did this conflict impact the trials? Proctors entire family was accused, including all of his children, his pregnant wife Elizabeth, and sister-in-law. The witchcraft hysteria in Salem first began in January of 1692 when a group of young girls, who later came to be known as the afflicted girls, fell ill after playing a fortune-telling game and began behaving strangely. The political instability and threat to their religion created a feeling of uneasiness and discontent in the Massachusetts Bay Colony. (2021, September 9). When asked who it was that had afflicted them, they named Good a homeless woman who had fallen destitute after denying the inheritance of her wealthy fathers estate as one of the three culprits. Wigington, Patti. Oh well, live n learn, Its sad when you can pick out names of your relatives in every list. Published in 1992, this novel is a fictionalized account of the afflicted girls of Salem Village. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. Indeed, as Stacy Schiff explains in The Witches, her history of the witch trials, It would have been difficult to find more than a few souls to whom the supernatural was not eminently real, part and parcel of the culture, as was the devil himself. In August of 1992, on the 300th anniversary of the trials, the Salem Witch Trials Memorial was unveiled and dedicated by Nobel Laureate Eli Wiesel. Hi Sarah, Another notable person who was accused of witchcraft was Captain John Alden Jr., the son of the Mayflower crew member John Alden. A 1976 study, printed in the journal Science, attributed the girls hysterical and possibly hallucinogenic behaviour to the ingestion of rye bread made with grain infected with ergot of rye. History of the Salem Witch Trials. History of Massachusetts Blog, 18 Aug. 2011, King William's War (war in the America colonies against the French) ended with many people having to be relocated so there were many strangers moving into town. When she is not traveling, you will find her reading, drinking coffee and chatting away with her many international friends. Corey still refused to offer a plea and paid with his life. However, in the more than three centuries since then, the historical waters have gotten a bit muddied, and many modern Pagans find themselves sympathetic towards Salems accused. Most of the accused really had nowhere else to go and many of them didnt have the money to leave even if they wanted to. A man of God literally planned out a witch genocide. Puritans walk through the snow-covered woods to get to church. Hi Sara, the last hangings of the Salem Witch Trials took place on September 22 and they include six women: Martha Corey, Mary Easty, Alice Parker, Ann Pudeator, Margaret Scott, Wilmot Redd and Mary Parker. I am as innocent as the child unborn. These three women were social outcasts and easy targets for the accusation of witchcraft. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. It disgusts me but at the same time interests me, and makes me want to learn more. Many modern theories suggest the girls were suffering from epilepsy, boredom, child abuse, mental illness or even a disease brought on by eating rye infected with fungus. Heres what I got if someone needed to use this for their biblyography. Bettys alarmed father, the Reverend Parris, immediately called on a doctor to examine the girls. Proctors wife managed to escape execution because she was pregnant, but Proctor was hanged on August 19 along with five other people. With a 1562 act now permitting the death penalty for acts of witchcraft, they were hanged. Top 10 Dark Truths About the Salem Witch Trials - TheTopTens Thank you for the kind comments. Next: Spooky Places: 10 Destinations For Fans Of Witches. The first to be tried wasBridget Bishopof Salem who was found guilty and was hanged on June 10. Salem witch trials - Wikipedia Bernard Rosenthal, "Medievalism and the Salem Witch Trials," in: Protests against early modern witch trials, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Cultural depictions of the Salem witch trials, Medical and psychological explanations of bewitchment, List of wrongful convictions in the United States, "Six Victims of 1692 Salem Witch Trials "Cleared" by Massachusetts", "Massachusetts Clears 5 From Salem Witch Trials", "Salem may pardon accused witches of 1692", "On 325th anniversary, city dedicates Proctor's Ledge memorial to Salem Witch Trials victims", "Memorable Providence, Relating to Witchcraft and Possessions", "Examination of Dorothy Good, As Told by Deodat Lawson", "Religiosity and the political economy of the Salem witch trials", Salem witch trials (archives), "Massachusetts Archives: Superior Court of Judicature Witchcraft Trials (JanuaryMay 1693), Cases Heard". Ten of The Most Interesting Facts About The Salem Witch Trials When was this site last edited? The accused was thrown into a river and if they made it out alive, it was because they were a witch. (accessed March 5, 2023). A Brief History of The Salem Witch Trials.Brief History Of The Salem Witch Trials The Salem witch trials took place between 1692 & 1693, in colonial Massachusetts. The Absolutely True Tale of Disaster in Salem by Rosalyn Schnauzer. In Salem for example, the first significant victim of the witch trials was Tituba, a slave from the Caribbean. A. Montague Summer. Bridget Bishop was convicted at the end of her trial and sentenced to death. Historians and sociologists have examined this most complex episode in our history so that we may understand the issues of that era and view subsequent events with heightened awareness. The primary sources of the Salem Witch Trials offer a wealth of information on these infamous trials. Boyer, P., & Nissenbaum, S. While Puritanism in New England demanded rigidly defined behaviour (hymns were the only permissible music, while childrens toys were outlawed), the colonys geographical isolation increased the insularity of these communities. European Witch trials started at a similar time as Protestantism. The bill cleared the names of: George Burroughs, John Proctor, George Jacobs, John Willard, Giles Corey, Martha Corey, Rebecca Nurse, Sarah Good, Elizabeth Howe, Mary Easty, Sarah Wildes, Abigail Hobbs, Samuel Wardwell, Mary Parker, Martha Carrier, Abigail Faulkner, Anne Foster, Rebecca Eames, Mary Post, Mary Lacey, Mary Bradbury and Dorcas Hoar. Sarah Wildes was my 8th great grandmother. Since the accused witches were considered dangerous prisoners, they were kept in the dungeon and were chained to the walls because jail officials believed this would prevent their spirits from fleeing the jail and tormenting their victims. Device reportedly admitted an act of bewitchment, as well as accusing another woman of undertaking similar practices. In Germany alone, thousands of women died horrible deaths. The fact is, no accused witches were burned at the stake in Salem, Massachusetts. As the years went by, the colonists felt ashamed and remorseful for what had happened during the Salem Witch Trials. At the time, Salem Village was a small New England town populated mostly by Puritans, or religious individuals with a belief in the devil. I edit the site in general pretty much every day. A strong belief in the devil, factions amongSalem Village familiesand rivalry with nearby Salem Town combined with a recent small pox epidemic and the threat of attack by warring tribes created a fertile ground for fear and suspicion. Although spectral evidence, evidence based on dreams and visions, wasnt the only evidence used in court during the Salem Witch Trails, it was the most common evidence and the easiest evidence for accusers to fake. It means that even though supernatural evidence might seem sketchy to us in this day and age, for people like Cotton Mather and the rest of Salem, it was perfectly acceptable in cases of necessity. Through the loss of 20 lives, the episode continues to warn of the dangers of insularity and isolationism, of intolerance, of religious extremism. This series of prosecutions and hangings of those accused of practicing witchcraft provoked a major backlash, and the event still haunts us today. The hysterical behaviour was an unconscious outlet for rebellion, a release valve for the pressure that the threat of eternal damnation put them under. "The Salem Witchcraft Trials: A Legal History". There were all kinds of tests to determine whether a woman was a witch. Europe's favorite test was the swimming test. This, coupled with the fact that the accused also had their estates confiscated if they were convicted has led many historians to believe that religious feuds and property disputes played a big part in the witch trials. The devil had won. In mid-January 1692, Elizabeth "Betty" Parris, the 9-year-old daughter of the local Reverend Samuel Parris, and. thank you for the bibliography it helps a lot! During the trial, Tituba confessed to having seen the devil and also stated that there was a coven, or group, of witches in the Salem Village area. Being burned at the stake was an occasionally used method of execution in Europe, when one was convicted of witchcraft, but was generally reserved for those who refused to repent of their sins. To understand the events of theSalem Witch Trials, it is necessary to examine the times in which accusations of witchcraft occurred. Luckily ann putnum jr lived to apologize. A prolific pamphleteer railing against the spread of witchcraft (or molestations from the invisible world), Mather was nonetheless keen for due diligence to occur inside the courtroom. 9 Men Also Died During The Trials Is this a homework question? Wow. If these individuals had never written these books or helped record the proceedings, we wouldnt know half of what we know about the witch trials. this helped me sooo much. One of the greatest tragedies of the Salem Witch Trials was the concept of the familiars. Judge Stoughton asked the jury to reconsider their verdict. A Brief History of the Salem Witch Trials - Smithsonian Magazine Legal Legacy of the Salem Witch Trials. The puritans, who had left England due to religious persecution, feared their religion was under attack again and worried they were losing control of their colony. Please be respectful of copyright. Get FREE access to It was divided into two distinct and very different socioeconomic parts. A total of 19 accused witches were hanged at Proctors Ledge, near Gallows Hill, during the witch trials. The others were either found guilty but pardoned, found not guilty, were never indicted or simply evaded arrest or escaped from jail. Three days earlier, the death of another of the accused had occurred. Thats where spectral evidence comes in, and it played a significant role in the Salem trials. Farms were mortgaged or sold, first to pay prison fees, then to pay taxes; frequently they were abandoned. Salem Witch Trials - Events, Facts & Victims - HISTORY When James II, unspeakably Catholic, became the titular head of the Church of England (itself considered evil), it was proof that the mother country had come under diabolical control When James II created the Dominion of New England, ordering the New England theocracy to allow the C of E inside, it was the end of their holy mission in the wilderness. Random House, 1956Fowler, Samuel Page. Is there any credence to this theory? The bibliography at the bottom of this article list a number of secondary sources. Presided over by Chief Justice William Stoughton, the court was made up of magistrates and jurors. Copyright 1996-2015 National Geographic SocietyCopyright 2015-2023 National Geographic Partners, LLC. 10 Spine-Chilling & Captivating Facts About Salem, Massachusetts Only the intervention of Cotton Mather whonappeased the crowd with the observation that the devil had often been transformed into the Angel of Light ensured that the hangings continued as scheduled. I read a paper several years ago that attributed much of the Salem Witch Trials to classism and arguments over land and land rights several years ago, but cant seem to remember its authors or publisher. It seems like an easier thing to do than just sit there and be accused. Thanks so much for this! I need to do a bibliography, and I have this page on it. Mather saw the war against Satan as being just as important as the war against the French and the local Native American tribes. The number of accusations and arrests began to decline in June but still continued and soon the local jails held more than 200 accused witches. Text adapted from the National Geographic book Witches! Also, when was his last updated? 11 Important Facts About The Salem Witch Trials | Awesome Article. Other diagnoses have focused more on the mental wellbeing of the Salem girls. Salem Village was populated mostly by poor farmers, and Salem Town was a prosperous port full of middle-class and wealthy merchants. I love this site! In early July, Sarah Good and her four co-accused were tried and found guilty of bewitchment, making that journey to the gallows on that wooden cart a few days later. The Encyclopedia of Witchcraft and Demonology. Got the movie and became more interested in what really happened. Instead, in 1692, hanging was the preferred form of punishment. propably in like 1-3 weeks away. The Salem witch trials of the late 17th century were a formative episode in America's early history, and have remained at the forefront of the national consciousness ever since. Planting, cultivating, the care of houses, barns, roads, fences, were all forgotten. Rebecca Nurses execution was a pivotal moment in the Salem Witch Trials. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Eventually, after seeming to realize how unfair the trials were to the accused, the court refused to hear any more charges of witchcraft. By entering your details, you are agreeing to our terms and conditions and privacy policy. Retrieved from Both, like Good, were viewed as outcasts by the local community; Tituba for her race and Osborne for the shedding of any religious beliefs she might once have held.