The freebase version of cocaine, known as crack, is a potent, smokable version of the drug. Getting the optimal amount of sleep has also been associated with other cognitive benefits. It seems like everyone knows a friend, family member, or neighbor who has died of an overdose. Natural opioids, calledopiates, are derivatives of opium, which is a naturally occurring compound found in the poppy plant. She indicated that she had fallen asleep at inappropriate or dangerous times, including while eating, while socializing with friends, and while driving her car. Confusion. Access for free at Fever. Obviously, regular narcoleptic episodes could interfere with the ability to perform ones job or complete schoolwork, and in some situations, narcolepsy can result in significant harm and injury (e.g., driving a car or operating machinery or other potentially dangerous equipment). Research indicates that meditation may help reduce blood pressure, and the American Heart Association suggests that meditation might be used in conjunction with more traditional treatments as a way to manage hypertension, although there is not sufficient data for a recommendation to be made (Brook et al., 2013). 1. Depending on the population and sleep disorder being studied, between 30% and 50% of the population suffers from a sleep disorder at some point in their lives (Bixler, Kales, Soldatos, Kaels, & Healey, 1979; Hossain & Shapiro, 2002; Ohayon, 1997, 2002; Ohayon & Roth, 2002). As he went to investigate what was going on, he was met by a group of police officers who arrested him for the murder of his wife (Cartwright, 2004; CNN, 1999). In her case, the fact that her cataplexy was confined to the right side of her body was quite unusual. b. life expectancy has reached a new high. Some people also experience altered states of consciousness through meditation, hypnosis, or alcohol and other drugs. In 2013, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration recommended tighter controls on their medical use. Individuals with insomnia often experience long delays between the times that they go to bed and actually fall asleep. For example, irritability, distractibility, and impairments in cognitive and moral judgment can occur with fewer than four hours of sleep. Homeostasis refers to the body's need to reach and maintain a certain state of equilibrium. When we do this, we often experience jet lag. These sleep episodes are often associated withcataplexy, which is a lack of muscle tone or muscle weakness, and in some cases involves complete paralysis of the voluntary muscles. Other drugs, including the opioid buprenorphine, have also been used to alleviate symptoms of opiate withdrawal. Acircadian rhythmis a biological rhythm that takes place over a period of about 24 hours. While cognitive deficits may be the most obvious, many body systems are negatively impacted by lack of sleep. In Falaters case, a jury found him guilty of first degree murder in June of 1999 (CNN, 1999); however, there are other murder cases where the sleepwalking defense has been used successfully. c. absence of subjective symptoms of disease. c. are influenced by peer pressure, often leading to unhealthful or unsafe behaviors. The consequences of sleep debt include decreased levels of alertness and mental efficiency. Primary signs and symptoms of Ebola often include some or several of the following: Fever. Opioids have analgesic properties; that is, they decrease pain. A few such benefits listed by the National Sleep Foundation (n.d.) include maintaining healthy weight, lowering stress levels, improving mood, and increasing motor coordination, as well as a number of benefits related to cognition and memory formation. c. Bloating or a feeling of fullness in the abdomen. Parasomnias can occur in either REM or NREM phases of sleep. Nicotine is highly addictive, and the use of tobacco products is associated with increased risks of heart disease, stroke, and a variety of cancers. Table 4.1shows the new recommendations, which describe sleep durations that are recommended, may be appropriate, and not recommended. While hypnosis may be useful in enhancing memory or a skill, such enhancements are very modest in nature (Raz, 2011). It is possible that even the processing of emotional information is influenced by certain aspects of sleep (Walker, 2009). The treatment of insomnia likely would include stress management techniques and changes in problematic behaviors that could contribute to insomnia (e.g., spending more waking time in bed). Low doses increase relaxation, decrease inhibitions. We might also experience unconscious states of being via drug-induced anesthesia for medical purposes. My sophomore college housemate got so stressed out during finals sophomore year he drank almost a whole bottle of Nyquil to try to fall asleep. In the central nervous system, it plays a role in arousal and reward mechanisms. While caffeine may have some indirect effects on dopamine neurotransmission, its primary mechanism of action involves antagonizing adenosine activity (Porkka-Heiskanen, 2011). Caffeine is another stimulant drug. Unlike the other sleep disorders described in this section, a person withnarcolepsycannot resist falling asleep at inopportune times. Few people in the United States remain untouched by the recent opioid epidemic. There is a trend that females report more somatic symptoms than males; thus, more females are diagnosed with somatic symptom disorder than males (APA, 2022). Two sleeping children are depicted in this 1895 oil painting titled. Night terrors apparently occur during the NREM phase of sleep (Provini, Tinuper, Bisulli, & Lagaresi, 2011). Psychometric analysis indicates that the ISS is composed of four principle components, producing four subscales. Sleep apnea is defined as a reduction or cessation of breathing during sleep. Question 2 1 / 1 pts Ling Fan finds that she has a difficult time tolerating alcohol and prefers to not even have small amounts , as she often becomes flushed , warm , and nauseous .Most likely , Ling Fan , like many other women and those of Asian descent , lacks the enzyme called alcohol _ _ _____. When he told me, I made him go see the college therapist. Heavy meals may make you sleepy, but they can also lead to frequent awakenings due to gastric distress. The effects of all psychoactive drugs occur through their interactions with our endogenous neurotransmitter systems. a - a mole that looks cancerous. Depletion of certain neurotransmitters can lead to mood dysphoria, cognitive problems, and other factors. Stage 3is often referred to as deep sleep or slow-wave sleep because this stage is characterized by low frequency (less than 3 Hz), high amplitudedelta waves(Figure 4.10). . For example, around one third of individuals diagnosed with narcolepsy experience vivid, dream-like hallucinations during narcoleptic attacks (Chokroverty, 2010). Stage 2 sleep is characterized by the appearance of both sleep spindles and K-complexes. One or two nights of sleep difficulty is not unusual, but if you experience anything more than that, you should seek a doctors advice. A number of risk factors have been associated with SIDS including premature birth, smoking within the home, and hyperthermia. While "internal state" or impulsivity are terms more generally discussed in psychology or neuroscience, the concept is familiar to anyone. More specifically, homeostasis is the body's tendency to monitor and maintain internal states, such as temperature and blood sugar, at fairly constant and stable levels. Alcohol, barbiturates (e.g., secobarbital, pentobarbital), Benzodiazepines (e.g., Xanax). This section will consider these questions and explore various explanations for why we sleep. This is an important factor because we can develop tolerance and experience withdrawal from any number of drugs that we do not abuse. Whether lark, owl, or somewhere in between, there are situations in which a persons circadian clock gets out of synchrony with the external environment. Caffeine is found in many common medicines (such as weight loss drugs), beverages, foods, and even cosmetics (Herman & Herman, 2013). 1. The typical positive symptoms of schizophrenia , such as hallucinatory experiences or fixed delusional beliefs, tend to be very upsetting and disruptivenot a positive experience at all for you or someone you care about who is experiencing them. Like hypnosis, meditation also shows promise in stress management, sleep quality (Caldwell, Harrison, Adams, Quin, & Greeson, 2010), treatment of mood and anxiety disorders (Chen et al., 2013; Freeman et al., 2010; Vllestad, Nielsen, & Nielsen, 2012), and pain management (Reiner, Tibi, & Lipsitz, 2013). There may also be differences in both brain structure and function in infants that die from SIDS (Berkowitz, 2012; Mage & Donner, 2006; Thach, 2005). d. both b and c. 2. Complete the following multiple choice quiz covering chapters 1, 6, and 9. Central sleep apnea is caused by a failure of the brain to activate the muscles of breathing during sleep. Anopioidis one of a category of drugs that includes heroin, morphine, methadone, and codeine. Individuals who suffer from RBD have high levels of physical activity during REM sleep, especially during disturbing dreams. Upon a search of the premises, police found blood-stained clothes and a bloody knife in the trunk of Falaters car, and he had blood stains on his neck. Abnormal Motor Behavior. Sleep reboundrefers to the fact that a sleep-deprived individual will fall asleep more quickly during subsequent opportunities for sleep. Ebola virus disease (EVD), formerly known as Ebola haemorrhagic fever, is a rare but severe, often fatal illness in humans. In contrast, a person who haspsychological dependencehas an emotional, rather than physical, need for the drug and may use the drug to relieve psychological distress. Methadone clinicshelp people who previously struggled with opioid addiction manage withdrawal symptoms through the use of methadone. As mentioned earlier, lack of sleep can result in decreased mental alertness and cognitive function. Stage 1 sleepis a transitional phase that occurs between wakefulness and sleep, the period during which we drift off to sleep. The first stage of NREM sleep is known as stage 1 sleep. Some people might turn to over-the-counter (OTC) or prescribed sleep medications to help them sleep, but this should be done sparingly because many sleep medications result in dependence and alter the nature of the sleep cycle, and they can increase insomnia over time. There are two types of sleep apnea: obstructive sleep apnea and central sleep apnea. Body temperature rises throughout the waking day, peaking in the afternoon, and falls during sleep with the lowest point occurring during the very early morning hours. Acute alcohol administration results in a variety of changes to consciousness. There is a tremendous amount of variability among sufferers, both in terms of how symptoms of narcolepsy manifest and the effectiveness of currently available treatment options. Generally, treatment for night terrors is unnecessary unless there is some underlying medical or psychological condition that is contributing to the night terrors (Mayo Clinic, n.d.). These same women were awakened during REM sleep in order to provide a detailed account of their dream content. Some people who have injected many times into their arms will show track marks, while other users will inject into areas between their fingers or between their toes, so as not to show obvious track marks and, like all abusers of intravenous drugs, have an increased risk for contraction of both tuberculosis and HIV. Once awakened from a narcoleptic attack, people report that they feel refreshed (Chokroverty, 2010). Homeostatic regulation of sleep is evidenced by sleep rebound following sleep deprivation. However, for some, its not because of all-night partying or late-night study sessions. (a) A period of rapid eye movement is marked by the short red line segment. We spend approximately one-third of our lives sleeping. For example, repeated use can lead to overall depletion among the monoamine neurotransmitters (dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin). This will be followed by brief descriptions of the effects of some of the more well-known drugs commonly used today. Recently, a new EPAP (expiratory positive air pressure) device has shown promise in double-blind trials as one such alternative (Berry, Kryger, & Massie, 2011). Furthermore, slow-wave sleep after learning a new task can improve resultant performance on that task (Huber, Ghilardi, Massimini, & Tononi, 2004) and seems essential for effective memory formation (Stickgold, 2005). It may surprise you to know that sleep deprivation is associated with obesity, increased blood pressure, increased levels of stress hormones, and reduced immune functioning (Banks & Dinges, 2007). In general, smoking cessation programs may be effective in the short term, but it is unclear whether these effects persist (Cropley, Theadom, Pravettoni, & Webb, 2008; Levitt, Shaw, Wong, & Kaczorowski, 2007; Smedslund, Fisher, Boles, & Lichtenstein, 2004). . High doses increase agitation, paranoia, can cause hallucinations. People who suffer from this disorder can injure themselves or their sleeping partners when engaging in these behaviors. The pineal and pituitary glands secrete a number of hormones during sleep. An important difference between mood disorders and normal mood fluctuation is: A) the particular medication used to treat the problem. This chart illustrates the circadian change in body temperature over 28 hours in a group of eight young men. At rather low doses, alcohol use is associated with feelings of euphoria. One way that this happens involves traveling across multiple time zones. The brain waves associated with this stage of sleep are very similar to those observed when a person is awake, as shown inFigure 4.11, and this is the period of sleep in which dreaming occurs. Physical dependenceinvolves changes in normal bodily functionsthe user will experience withdrawal from the drug upon cessation of use. Therefore, it is important to make a distinction between hypnosis as an empirically based therapeutic approach versus as a form of entertainment. The virus is transmitted to people from wild animals and spreads in the human population through human-to-human transmission. Yarmila Falaters body was found in the familys pool with 44 stab wounds. People who suffer from insomnia might limit their use of stimulant drugs (such as caffeine) or increase their amount of physical exercise during the day. In Hilgards experiments, he induced participants into a state of hypnosis, and placed their arms into ice water. Methamphetamineis a type of amphetamine that can be made from ingredients that are readily available (e.g., medications containing pseudoephedrine, a compound found in many over-the-counter cold and flu remedies). Given that college students are notorious for suffering from significant sleep debt (Hicks, Fernandez, & Pelligrini, 2001; Hicks, Johnson, & Pelligrini, 1992; Miller, Shattuck, & Matsangas, 2010), chances are you and your classmates deal with sleep debt-related issues on a regular basis. The different stages of sleep will be identified, and sleep disorders will be described. During periods of sleepwalking, sleepers often have their eyes open, but they are not responsive to attempts to communicate with them. (credit: Laurie Avocado). In addition, stage 1 sleep involves a marked decrease in both overall muscle tension and core body temperature. Caffeine is an adenosine antagonist, so caffeine inhibits the adenosine receptors, thus decreasing sleepiness and promoting wakefulness. (a) Common paraphernalia for heroin preparation and use are shown here in a needle exchange kit. Rotating shift workrefers to a work schedule that changes from early to late on a daily or weekly basis. . Given that withdrawal from a drug often involves an experience opposite to the effect of the drug, it should be no surprise that opioid withdrawal resembles a severe case of the flu. This becomes a self-perpetuating cycle because increased anxiety leads to increased arousal, and higher levels of arousal make the prospect of falling asleep even more unlikely. Still, people experiencing opioid withdrawal may be given methadone to make withdrawal from the drug less difficult. This pattern of brain wave activity resembles that of someone who is very relaxed, yet awake. They were ALL my fault. (a) A typical CPAP device used in the treatment of sleep apnea is (b) affixed to the head with straps, and a mask that covers the nose and mouth. Among a variety of neurobiological evidence, John Hobson cites research on lucid dreams as an opportunity to better understand dreaming in general. Awareness of internal stimuli includes feeling pain, hunger, thirst, sleepiness, and being aware of our thoughts and emotions. This theory is supported by Ernest Hilgards research into hypnosis and pain. Thus, opioid drugs, which mimic this endogenous painkilling mechanism, have an extremely high potential for abuse. Indeed, we know sleep deprivation results in disruptions in cognition and memory deficits (Brown, 2012), leading to impairments in our abilities to maintain attention, make decisions, and recall long-term memories. You don't have to be a psychologist to know that conditions like hunger or fatigue have an impact on thinking and decision-making; these are examples of internal states. While there is tremendous variation in any given individuals sleep needs, the National Sleep Foundation (n.d.) cites research to estimate that newborns require the most sleep (between 12 and 18 hours a night) and that this amount declines to just 79 hours by the time we are adults. Our lives involve regular, dramatic changes in the degree to which we are aware of our surroundings and our internal states. Insleepwalking, or somnambulism, the sleeper engages in relatively complex behaviors ranging from wandering about to driving an automobile. As discussed by Siegel (2008), a definition of sleep must also include mention of the interplay of the circadian and homeostatic mechanisms that regulate sleep. These kinds of schedules are common for individuals working in health care professions and service industries, and they are associated with persistent feelings of exhaustion and agitation that can make someone more prone to making mistakes on the job (Gold et al., 1992; Presser, 1995). In a lucid dream, a person becomes aware of the fact that they are dreaming, and as such, they can control the dreams content (LaBerge, 1990). This shift in policy may be in response to the scientific communitys recommendations and/or reflect changing public opinion regarding marijuana. These initiatives include increasing access to treatment and recovery services, increasing access to overdose-reversal drugs like Naloxone, and implementing better public health monitoring systems (NIDA, 2019). Stimulantsare drugs that tend to increase overall levels of neural activity. While hypnosis is generally achieved through the interaction of a therapist and the person being treated, an individual can perform meditation alone. Unexplained hemorrhaging, bleeding or bruising. These brain areas include the prefrontal cortex and basal ganglia. The fifth edition of theDiagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,Fifth Edition(DSM-5) is used by clinicians to diagnose individuals suffering from various psychological disorders. Some research suggests that species that face higher predatory risks sleep fewer hours than other species (Capellini et al., 2008), while other researchers suggest there is no relationship between the amount of time a given species spends in deep sleep and its predation risk (Lesku, Roth, Amlaner, & Lima, 2006). Delusions. Interestingly, individuals who have increased levels of alpha brain wave activity (more often associated with wakefulness and transition into stage 1 sleep) during stage 3 often report that they do not feel refreshed upon waking, regardless of how long they slept (Stone, Taylor, McCrae, Kalsekar, & Lichstein, 2008). Toleranceis linked to physiological dependence, and it occurs when a person requires more and more drug to achieve effects previously experienced at lower doses. Whilecaffeineis generally considered a relatively safe drug, high blood levels of caffeine can result in insomnia, agitation, muscle twitching, nausea, irregular heartbeat, and even death (Reissig, Strain, & Griffiths, 2009; Wolt, Ganetsky, & Babu, 2012). Recent research (Horikawa, Tamaki, Miyawaki, & Kamitani, 2013) has uncovered new techniques by which researchers may effectively detect and classify the visual images that occur during dreaming by using fMRI for neural measurement of brain activity patterns, opening the way for additional research in this area. In the wake of the opiate epidemic, many drug cartels in Mexico are shifting from producing heroin to producing highly potent but inexpensive forms of methamphetamine. A person withrestless leg syndromehas uncomfortable sensations in the legs during periods of inactivity or when trying to fall asleep. With excessive alcohol use, a person might experience a complete loss of consciousness and/or difficulty remembering events that occurred during a period of intoxication (McKim & Hancock, 2013). This campaign is sponsored in part by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. These symptoms usually are opposite of the effects of the drug. Case fatality rates have varied from 25% to 90 . To prevent withdrawal, many people turned to cheaper heroin, which could be bought for $5 a dose or less. People sleep better in cooler temperatures. Despite the prevalence of caffeine use and the large number of people who confess to suffering from caffeine addiction, this was the first published description of soda dependence appearing in scientific literature. Avoid alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine, and heavy meals before bed. The lifespan perspective in health psychology reveals that adolescents One of the shortcomings with the health belief model is Risk factors for a health problem People whose personalities include high levels of _____ seem to be "disease" How does hypnosis work? For instance, if a woman dreams about being chased by a snake, Freud might have argued that this represents the womans fear of sexual intimacy, with the snake serving as a symbol of a mans penis. This section will present information relating to the use of various psychoactive drugs and problems associated with such use. Despite recent changes in laws designed to make obtaining pseudoephedrine more difficult, methamphetamine continues to be an easily accessible and relatively inexpensive drug option (Shukla, Crump, & Chrisco, 2012). For example, people who undergo chemotherapy will often be prescribed marijuana to stimulate their appetites and prevent excessive weight loss resulting from the side effects of chemotherapy treatment. The typical episode can last from a minute or two to half an hour. Common definitions of health include: a. optimal weight and endurance. Psychological dependence on these drugs is also possible. Here are some tips to maintain healthy sleep: Aparasomniais one of a group of sleep disorders in which unwanted, disruptive motor activity and/or experiences during sleep play a role. Dreams and their associated meanings vary across different cultures and periods of time. A person with asleep debtdoes not get sufficient sleep on a chronic basis. Obstructive sleep apneaoccurs when an individuals airway becomes blocked during sleep, and air is prevented from entering the lungs. Thepineal gland, an endocrine structure located inside the brain that releases melatonin, is thought to be involved in the regulation of various biological rhythms and of the immune system during sleep (Hardeland, Pandi-Perumal, & Cardinali, 2006). While this is an intuitive explanation of sleep, there is little research that supports this explanation. While there are variations, there are four parts that appear consistent in bringing people into the state of suggestibility associated with hypnosis (National Research Council, 1994). Pain relief, euphoria, sleepiness. While medical marijuana laws have been passed on a state-by-state basis, federal laws still classify this as an illicit substance, making conducting research on the potentially beneficial medicinal uses of marijuana problematic. Like NREM sleep, REM has been implicated in various aspects of learning and memory (Wagner, Gais, & Born, 2001; Siegel, 2001). These individual differences in circadian patterns of activity are known as a persons chronotype, and research demonstrates that morning larks and night owls differ with regard to sleep regulation (Taillard, Philip, Coste, Sagaspe, & Bioulac, 2003). Variations and adaptations in cognition and behavior make individuals more or less successful in reproducing and passing their genes to their offspring. Some newer CPAP masks are smaller and cover only the nose. Following the initial rush, users experience 46 hours of going on the nod, alternating between conscious and semiconscious states. This is of such concern that people who are trying to overcome addiction to these substances should only do so under medical supervision. In the brain, the hypothalamus, which lies above the pituitary gland, is a main center of homeostasis. Weakness and fatigue. Therefore, the abuse potential of central nervous system depressants is relatively high. Our experiences change dramatically while we are in deep sleep and once again when we are dreaming. Historically, hypnosis has been viewed with some suspicion because of its portrayal in popular media and entertainment (Figure 4.20). This is known as the REM rebound, and it suggests that REM sleep is also homeostatically regulated. 0. Once she was able to limit her use to less than 12 ounces of soda a day, both her mental and physical health gradually improved. Some research suggests that sleep deprivation affects cognitive and motor function as much as, if not more than, alcohol intoxication (Williamson & Feyer, 2000).
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